
In Milan Chamber of Commerce, INPS and INAIL sign the protocol for the single communication

29 September 2009

On September 25 was signed in Milan the agreement between the Chamber of Commerce, INPS (National Social Security Administration) and INAIL (National Insurance Against Injuries at Work) to allow the introduction of the so called unique communication.

On September 25 was signed in Milan the agreement between the Chamber of Commerce, INPS (National Social Security Administration) and INAIL (National Insurance Against Injuries at Work) to allow the introduction of the so called unique communication.

The unique communication (Provided by. art. 9 of the Law Decree no. 7/07, converted into so called Bersani-bis Law – no. 40/07) provides the unified filing at the Chamber of Commerce, of the applications for registration or variation of profiles at: Companies Register Offices, INPS, INAIL and Revenue Agency.

(Il Sole 24 Ore)

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