
INPS: employers can request the pro-rated refund of severance pay due during the period of extraordinary temporary layoff (CIGS)

28 October 2009

With message no. 23953/09, INPS (Italian Social Security Administration) defined that employers can request the pro-rated refund of severance pay (called TFR), due during the period of extraordinary temporary layoff (CIGS), for the workers dismissed at the end thereof (art. 2 L. 464/1972).

With message no. 23953/09, INPS (Italian Social Security Administration) defined that employers can request the pro-rated refund of severance pay (called TFR), due during the period of extraordinary temporary layoff (CIGS), for the workers dismissed at the end thereof (art. 2 L. 464/1972).  Employers can avail themselves of this opportunity even when the dismissed workers, after CIGS, are subject to lay off extensions (so called “CIG in deroga”), when applied in continuity with the previous.

(Il Sole 24 Ore)

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