
Revaluation of the minimum and the maximum of INAIL income as for 1° July 2009

29 September 2009

INAIL (National Insurance Against Injuries at Work), with Circular Letter No. 50/09, announced the updated tables on the amount of earnings on which is calculated the conventional wage due to the injured or the survivors after an accident at work.

INAIL (National Insurance Against Injuries at Work), with Circular Letter No. 50/09, announced the updated tables on the amount of earnings on which is calculated the conventional wage due to the injured or the survivors after an accident at work.

These tables were calculated on the basis of the Ministerial Decree of 12 June 2009, fixing the minimum and maximum incomes between € 14,349.30 and € 26,648.70.

(Fonte Il Sole 24 Ore)

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