
Renewal of the National Collective Bargaining Agreement (CCNL) for Metalworking and Mechanical Engineering – MètaSalute for all employees

14 September 2017

It is reminded that in force of the provision established in article 16, in the draft renewal agreement of the National Collective Bargaining Agreement (CCNL) for Metalworking and Mechanical Engineering and the installation of plants signed on 26 November 2016, effective from 1 October 2017, integrative health care assistance is extended to all employees by registering to the MètaSalute Fund. In particular, registration to the employees’ fund is open to all open-term contract employees, not under their probationary period, including part-time employees, internship employees and those with a fixed-term contract longer than 5 months.

Effective from October, for all the aforementioned employees – except by expressed written withdrawal by the interested party – a yearly contribution in the amount of 156 euros (split in 12 monthly amounts of 13 euros each) shall be paid by the employer.

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