Severance pay: set the coefficient of December for the T.F.R.

The appreciation rate for severance indemnities (T.F.R.) contributions, accrued at 31 December 2008, amounted to 2.224907.

The appreciation rate for severance indemnities (T.F.R.) contributions, accrued at 31 December 2008, amounted to 2.224907.

(Il Sole 24 Ore)

Severance pay: set the coefficient of November for the T.F.R.

For November 2009, the appreciation rate for severance indemnities (T.F.R.) contributions, accrued at 31 December 2008, amounted to 1.988383.

For November 2009, the appreciation rate for severance indemnities (T.F.R.) contributions, accrued at 31 December 2008, amounted to 1.988383.

(Il Sole 24 Ore)

Tax: published ACI schedules

On the ordinary supplement n° 223 to “Gazzetta Ufficiale” dated 12 December 2009 have been published the tables provided by “Automobile Club d’Italia”

On the ordinary supplement n° 223 to “Gazzetta Ufficiale” dated 12 December 2009 have been published the tables provided by “Automobile Club d’Italia” useful for determining, for 2010, the “taxable” base for company vehicles  granted to employees or self-employees for both professional and private use.

(Il Sole 24 Ore)

Severance pay: set the coefficient of October for the T.F.R.

For October 2009, the appreciation rate for severance indemnities (T.F.R.) contributions, accrued at 31 December 2008, amounted to 1.807621.

For October 2009, the appreciation rate for severance indemnities (T.F.R.) contributions, accrued at 31 December 2008, amounted to 1.807621.

(Il Sole 24 Ore)

Italian Labour Ministry: the TFR is neutral for the defensive job-security agreements’ calculation

The Italian Labour Ministry, with the memo n. 16582/09, has specified that the TFR (trattamento di fine rapporto) doesn’t fall within the monetary base on which is calculated the additional contribution stated for the defensive job-security agreements (contratti di solidarietà), stipulated by the enterprises in out of the temporary layoff extraordinary intervention (CIGS).

The Italian Labour Ministry, with the memo n. 16582/09, has specified that the TFR (trattamento di fine rapporto) doesn’t fall within the monetary base on which is calculated the additional contribution stated for the defensive job-security agreements (contratti di solidarietà), stipulated by the enterprises in out of the temporary layoff extraordinary intervention (CIGS).

(Il Sole 24 Ore)

INPS: employers can request the pro-rated refund of severance pay due during the period of extraordinary temporary layoff (CIGS)

With message no. 23953/09, INPS (Italian Social Security Administration) defined that employers can request the pro-rated refund of severance pay (called TFR), due during the period of extraordinary temporary layoff (CIGS), for the workers dismissed at the end thereof (art. 2 L. 464/1972).

With message no. 23953/09, INPS (Italian Social Security Administration) defined that employers can request the pro-rated refund of severance pay (called TFR), due during the period of extraordinary temporary layoff (CIGS), for the workers dismissed at the end thereof (art. 2 L. 464/1972).  Employers can avail themselves of this opportunity even when the dismissed workers, after CIGS, are subject to lay off extensions (so called “CIG in deroga”), when applied in continuity with the previous.

(Il Sole 24 Ore)

Signed the renewal of the Collective Bargaining Labour Agreement for Industrial Sector

On 15 October 2009, Federmeccanica, Assistal, Fim e Uilm (respectively the Employers’ Association and two out of three of the Trade Unions Involved) reached and signed the renewal of the Collective Bargaining Labour Agreement for Industrial Sector (for the period 2010-2012).

On 15 October 2009, Federmeccanica, Assistal, Fim e Uilm (respectively the Employers’ Association and two out of three of the Trade Unions Involved) reached and signed the renewal of the Collective Bargaining Labour Agreement for Industrial Sector (for the period 2010-2012). Fiom (the third Trade Union Involved) didn’t sign this renewal.

The main amendments which have been introduced are the following:

1.     a medium salary increase of EUR 112 that will be paid in three period/tranches, from 2010 to 2012;

2.     the establishment of a bilateral authority and of a fund to give financial support to workers (from 2012); that fund will be increased by the companies and the workers (with voluntary contributions);

3.     a monthly increase of the so called “elemento perequativo” of EUR 15 (from 2011) for the companies that don’t apply the second level bargaining and for the workers that don’t earn wage elements different from the elements of the engineering’s collective bargaining (elemento perequativo);

4.     an increase of contribution due by employers to Cometa fund (fund of supplementary benefit), effective from 2012.

(il Sole 24 Ore)


Severance pay: set the coefficient of September for the T.F.R.

For September 2009, the appreciation rate for severance indemnities (T.F.R.) contributions, accrued at 31 December 2008, amounted to 1.626859.

For September 2009, the appreciation rate for severance indemnities (T.F.R.) contributions, accrued at 31 December 2008, amounted to 1.626859.

(il Sole 24 Ore)

In Milan Chamber of Commerce, INPS and INAIL sign the protocol for the single communication

On September 25 was signed in Milan the agreement between the Chamber of Commerce, INPS (National Social Security Administration) and INAIL (National Insurance Against Injuries at Work) to allow the introduction of the so called unique communication.

On September 25 was signed in Milan the agreement between the Chamber of Commerce, INPS (National Social Security Administration) and INAIL (National Insurance Against Injuries at Work) to allow the introduction of the so called unique communication.

The unique communication (Provided by. art. 9 of the Law Decree no. 7/07, converted into so called Bersani-bis Law – no. 40/07) provides the unified filing at the Chamber of Commerce, of the applications for registration or variation of profiles at: Companies Register Offices, INPS, INAIL and Revenue Agency.

(Il Sole 24 Ore)

Revaluation of the minimum and the maximum of INAIL income as for 1° July 2009

INAIL (National Insurance Against Injuries at Work), with Circular Letter No. 50/09, announced the updated tables on the amount of earnings on which is calculated the conventional wage due to the injured or the survivors after an accident at work.

INAIL (National Insurance Against Injuries at Work), with Circular Letter No. 50/09, announced the updated tables on the amount of earnings on which is calculated the conventional wage due to the injured or the survivors after an accident at work.

These tables were calculated on the basis of the Ministerial Decree of 12 June 2009, fixing the minimum and maximum incomes between € 14,349.30 and € 26,648.70.

(Fonte Il Sole 24 Ore)

Food industries: the agreement for the renewal of the NCLA has been reached

With a base salary increase of EUR 142, to be paid divided in four tranches, the agreement for the renewal of the NCLA for employers operating in the Food Industries has been reached.

With a base salary increase of EUR 142, to be paid divided in four tranches, the agreement for the renewal of the NCLA for employers operating in the Food Industries has been reached.

(Il Sole 24 Ore)

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Our brand new website is online with a new concept and new contents. 

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