The disabled worker form is given a 15 day extension

The Ministry of Labour issued a memo on 31 January 2011, informing users that the term for submitting the disabled worker report form, originally due by 31 January, has been extended to 15 February 2011.

The Ministry of Labour issued a memo on 31 January 2011, informing users that the term for submitting the disabled worker report form, originally due by 31 January, has been extended to 15 February 2011.


Il Sole 24 Ore

Companies join the fight against stress

The permanent consulting commission on health and safety on the workplace, composed, according to article 6 of Legislative Decree 81/08, of representatives of the Ministry, the Regions and the social partners, has completed the methodological instructions for implementing the agreement on work-related stress, signed on 8 October 2004.

The permanent consulting commission on health and safety on the workplace, composed, according to article 6 of Legislative Decree 81/08, of representatives of the Ministry, the Regions and the social partners, has completed the methodological instructions for implementing the agreement on work-related stress, signed on 8 October 2004.

The Commission specified that the assessment of the stress factor must be made during the normal assessment of workplace risks. Furthermore, it also established that the assessment must be made using a methodological procedure that accounts for both the significant differences – in size, risk and organization – in various businesses and the fact that not all signs of employee stress at work can be considered stress due to work-related causes.

At this point, the final step is implementing the instructions provided by the Commission which – despite being published as a “memo”  – represent an addendum to the legal regulations and are expressly cited therein.


Il Sole 24 Ore

Information sheet for the disabled

The information sheet for the disabled, required under Law No. 68/89, must be submitted between 15 and 31 January 2011.

The information sheet for the disabled, required under Law No. 68/89, must be submitted between 15 and 31 January 2011. The submission time frame has been shortened, according to the Ministry of Labour, to offset the technical time necessary to update the software application that allows employers to complete this form online. Companies which employed at least 15 staff members at 31 December 2010 are required to complete and submit this form (companies which employed between 15 and 35 staff members are required to submit the form only if they hired a new staff member after the 15th). Decree Law No. 112/08 (converted by Law No. 133/08) has partially modified the regulations on the obligation to submit the form, giving employers the option to not resubmit the sheet if no changes have taken place since the previous year that would imply a change in the obligation to hire disabled persons.


Il Sole 24 Ore

INPS: the new debit notice does not void the amicable notice

By issuing its Memo No. 168/2010, INPS has specified that the new mechanism for collecting on its receivables – set forth by article 30 of Decree Law No. 78/2010 and in force since 1 January 2011 – does not eliminate the amicable notice which continues to be used by the Institute to request payment of amounts in arrears.

By issuing its Memo No. 168/2010, INPS has specified that the new mechanism for collecting on its receivables  – set forth by article 30 of Decree Law No. 78/2010 and in force since 1 January 2011 – does not eliminate the amicable notice which continues to be used by the Institute to request payment of amounts in arrears.  Indeed, INPS will only draft and notify the debtor of the debit notice only if the debtor fails to pay within the stated term (generally 30 days). The debit notice is fully enforceable upon issue.


Il Sole 24 Ore

Conventional remuneration updated

The decree establishing 2011 conventional remuneration for individuals working abroad was published in the Italian Official Gazette no. 300 of 24 December 2010.

The decree establishing 2011 conventional remuneration for individuals working abroad was published in the Italian Official Gazette no. 300 of 24 December 2010. These values must be used to calculate the contributions for the obligatory social security for workers working in no-EU countries with which Italy has not signed a social security agreement or has signed a partial one.

(Il Sole 24 Ore)

INPS (Italian National Institute of Social Insurance): new pension features becoming effective 1 January 2011

On 1 January of this year some new features introduced in recent years with Italian Law no. 247/2007 (Protocollo del Welfare – Welfare Protocol) and Italian Legislative Decree no. 78/2010 (Manovra Anticrisi – Anti-crisis legislation passed last May) will become effective:

On 1 January of this year some new features introduced in recent years with Italian Law no. 247/2007 (Protocollo del Welfare – Welfare Protocol) and Italian Legislative Decree no. 78/2010 (Manovra Anticrisi – Anti-crisis legislation passed last May) will become effective:

       new system for calculating the waiting period between the date when pension requirements are achieved and the time when the pension starts to be paid; therefore the waiting period is being changed into a period calculated for each worker, starting from the date the requirements are met, namely 12 months for employees and 18 months for self-employed and contract workers;

       increase in the amount, i.e. increase in the requirements necessary for obtaining old age pension; achievement of the right to pension will depend on reaching a certain age and a minimum number of contributions (so-called quota), which will increase annually until stabilising in 2013. For the year 2011, the value of this quota is fixed at 96, with a minimum age not under 60 years;

       increase of the minimum pension amount by 7 euro (equal to 460.97 euro).

Il Sole 24 Ore

INPS: bonus on defined-term contracts for hiring employees on availability lists

In its Notice No. 32661/2010, INPS has announced that hiring workers included on availability lists for defined-term contracts, including for contracts of longer than one year, for one of the reasons set forth under article 1 of Legislative Decree No. 368/2001 gives the employer the right to use the special terms for contributions described in Law No. 223/1991.

In its Notice No. 32661/2010, INPS has announced that hiring workers included on availability lists for defined-term contracts, including for contracts of longer than one year, for one of the reasons set forth under article 1 of Legislative Decree No. 368/2001 gives the employer the right to use the special terms for contributions described in Law No. 223/1991. These special contribution terms cannot exceed a period of 12 months.


Il Sole 24 Ore

INPS: summary memo on the rules for year-end checks

By issuing Memo No. 162/2010, INPS has provided instructions for employers to use in making the reports for December 2010 or January and February 2011.

By issuing Memo No. 162/2010, INPS has provided instructions for employers to use in making the reports for December 2010 or January and February 2011. One of the most important aspects is the importance placed on compensation variables. In other words, if events or facts take place during the month that imply changes to the taxable compensation (i.e., compensation for overtime hours worked), employers are allowed to consider these changes when fulfilling the obligation and paying the contributions in the month following the month affected by these factors, without prejudice to the need to assign the contributions to the period in which they have accrued (the “accrual basis").


Il Sole 24 Ore

Taxation on TFR (Italian termination benefits) exceeding 1.5 million euro

With Italian Ministerial Decree of 29 October 2010, published in Italian Gazette no. 300 the 15% solidarity contribution on maximum TFR amounts has been regulated – enacting article 1, paragraph 222, of Italian Law no. 296/2006.

With Italian Ministerial Decree of 29 October 2010, published in Italian Gazette no. 300 the 15% solidarity contribution on maximum TFR amounts has been regulated – enacting article 1, paragraph 222, of Italian Law no. 296/2006. TFR paid out in the period 2007-2009 for an amount greater than 1.5 million euro, will be subject to the above contribution. It will be possible to pay this debt in 18 monthly instalments.

Il Sole 24 Ore

Tax returns debut of CUD and 730 return form

The definitive CUD and 730 tax return forms have been published. In particular, the certification that employers will have to issue to workers by next 28 February 2011 contains important new features.

The definitive CUD and 730 tax return forms have been published. In particular, the certification that employers will have to issue to workers by next 28 February 2011 contains important new features. The area dedicated to sums paid for production bonuses has been completely revised. Given that the CUD is a condition per se sufficient for proving the existence of the reasons for a production bonus required by law, the section dedicated to notes (BX and BY) contains the explicit certification of the employer in this regard, as set forth by the Agenzia delle Entrate (Italian Tax Authority) resolution no. 130/E/2010. Another new feature involves the application of the additional rate of 10% on remuneration paid in the form of bonuses and stock options which exceed triple of the fixed part of remuneration. It is also necessary to certify in the notes for Abruzzo workers affected by the 6 April 2009 earthquake the suspended amounts for which taxation has resumed, but which have not been paid by the substitute tax.

Il Sole 24 Ore

Tax abatement for overtime and incentive pay: lower income limits for 2010

A combined reading of the various laws regarding tax abatements for overtime and incentive pay, shows that verification of the income possessed by an employee in 2009,

A combined reading of the various laws regarding tax abatements for overtime and incentive pay, shows that verification of the income possessed by an employee in 2009, for the purposes of recognising a tax abatement for the year 2010, must be performed by adding the amounts of tax abatement during 2008, or to a maximum of 3,000 euro to the taxable income contained in box 1 of the CUD form.

Il Sole 24 Ore

Tax abatement for overtime: the employer justifies the sums in the CUD

The Agenzia delle Entrate, with its resolution 130/E issued yesterday, stated that if the employer states in the Cud the requirement of production or organisational efficiency motives for the sums paid (overtime, nighttime work or shift work), the tax abatement of 10% cannot be disputed by inspection bodies.

The Agenzia delle Entrate, with its resolution 130/E issued yesterday, stated that if the employer states in the Cud the requirement of  production or organisational efficiency motives for the sums paid (overtime, nighttime work or shift work), the tax abatement of 10% cannot be disputed by inspection bodies. Therefore, the employer is not required to provide any additional documentation as proof. At this point it becomes indispensable to issue a Cud to the employee which must occur also for employment terminated during 2008 and 2009 (in addition to 2010).

Il Sole 24 Ore

Debut of work stress test

Starting on 1 January 2010 all companies of all sizes – public and private – must perform, in accordance with Italian Legislative Decree no. 81/08, an assessment of all company risks, including the risk related to connected work stress.

Starting on 1 January 2010 all companies of all sizes – public and private – must perform, in accordance with Italian Legislative Decree no. 81/08, an assessment of all company risks, including the risk related to connected work stress. The assessment takes place in two phases: the first mandatory phase, entails a survey of statistical data, early warning events, contents and work context; the possible second phase, is characterised by the adoption of corrective measures for the case if significant stress elements emerge.

Il Sole 24 Ore

INPS (Italian National Institute of Social Insurance): INPS requirements for freelance professionals with a separate pension fund waived

INPS with its message no. 31002/2010, stated that the same Institute as of 1 January 2005 had automatically registered with the office managing freelance INPS contributions all individuals who declared income on form RE of the PF tax return for 2006 and who appear not to have paid contributions to this office.

INPS with its message no. 31002/2010, stated that the same Institute as of 1 January 2005 had automatically registered with the office managing freelance INPS contributions all individuals who declared income on form RE of the PF tax return for 2006 and who appear not to have paid contributions to this office. This registration is part of an auditing operation related to contribution positions, called PoseidOne, started in 2009. From this group INPS has excluded anyone who declared income from freelance work who is required to pay contributions to a professional pension fund.

Il Sole 24 Ore

Extension of Derogation for Cassa Integrazioni Guadagni (redundancy benefits) for 2011

The derogation of the redundancy benefits, since its introduction with the “anti-crisis” decree (Italian Legislative Decree no. 185/08, converted into Italian Law no. 2/09) has been the only instrument enterprises can use which are normally excluded from applying the redundancy benefits due to the type of employment contract, company sector or company size.

The derogation of the redundancy benefits, since its introduction with the “anti-crisis” decree (Italian Legislative Decree no. 185/08, converted into Italian Law no. 2/09) has been the only instrument enterprises can use which are normally excluded from applying the redundancy benefits due to the type of employment contract, company sector or company size. The 2011 economic  manoeuvre, approved last week, establishes an extension of this benefit for 2011 as well: based on specific government agreements the Ministry of Labour can grant redundancy benefits, by means of derogation, for a maximum period of 12 months. This is while waiting for an overall reform of the fund, recently pushed by the Collegato Lavoro (Labour Law) delegating this task to the government to enact it in the next 24 months.

Il Sole 24 Ore

INPS (Italian Institute of Social Security): in the event of failure to pay advance on indemnity warning is sent

INPS, with its message no. 28997/2010, reiterates that, in the event of an assessment, if a company which is a going concern, has expressly refused to advance indemnity for sick leave, maternity leave, time off and extraordinary time off the employer will be formally warned (by registered and certified e-mail) to pay the benefit due

INPS, with its message no. 28997/2010, reiterates that, in the event of an assessment, if a company which is a going concern, has expressly refused to advance indemnity for sick leave, maternity leave, time off and extraordinary time off the employer will be formally warned (by registered and certified e-mail) to pay the benefit due, and notify INPS of such payment at the same time within 30 days from receiving the warning. If such deadline is not met, INPS shall pay with “maximum promptness”.

Il Sole 24 Ore

Tax returns: postponement of monthly 770 return

The director of the Agenzia delle Entrate (Italian Tax Authority) Attilio Befera, in declaring the currently available forms inadequate, has speculated on extending the requirement for the monthly 770 return.

The director of the Agenzia delle Entrate (Italian Tax Authority) Attilio Befera, in declaring the currently available forms inadequate, has speculated on extending the requirement for the monthly 770 return. This experiment – which should start in January 2011 – may be postponed until 2012. This postponement will be contained in the Italian “Milleproroghe” Legislative Decree (legislative decree granting extensions for various legal deadlines).

Il Sole 24 Ore

INPS: uniting contributions only by payment

INPS, with its circular letter no. 142 of 5 November 2010, provided new instructions for obtaining unification of contributions explaining, in particular, that as of 1 July 2010 this operation is no longer free.

INPS, with its circular letter no. 142 of 5 November 2010, provided new instructions for obtaining unification of contributions explaining, in particular, that as of 1 July 2010 this operation is no longer free.

Il Sole 24 Ore

INPS: the country of last employment pays the indemnity

INPS, with its message no. 28706/2010, has clarified that, following the enactment of the new Regulation 883/04/EC the country of last employment continues to pay unemployment benefits to a worker who moves to another Member State in search of a job.

INPS, with its message no. 28706/2010, has clarified that, following the enactment of the new Regulation 883/04/EC the country of last employment continues to pay unemployment benefits to a worker who moves to another Member State in search of a job. Maintenance of the right to the benefit no longer requires  the payment on behalf of the Country where the benefit accrued, as under previous laws.

Il Sole 24 Ore

Severance pay: set the coefficient of October for the T.F.R.

The appreciation rate for severance indemnities (T.F.R.) contributions, accrued at 31 December 2009, amounted to 2.354566%.

The appreciation rate for severance indemnities (T.F.R.) contributions, accrued at 31 December 2009, amounted to 2.354566%.

Il Sole 24 Ore

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