Deadline for sending and delivering the Single Certification (CU) for income from employment and similar sources paid in 2024.
Tax and Social Security Contributions Payments
Unified payment of withholding taxes on income from employment and similar earnings; social security and welfare contributions due to INPS by employers, including severance pay (TFR) adjustments for the Treasury Fund from the previous month; contributions due by clients to the INPS Separate Social Security Scheme for collaborations; contributions due by entertainment industry companies; contributions due to INPS by agricultural employers for the third quarter of 2024; regional and municipal IRPEF surcharges for terminations in the previous month; VAT periodic settlement.
INPGI Contributions
Payment of monthly contributions due by journalists under collaboration contracts, for publishing companies, newspapers, broadcasting companies, or other sectors employing journalists.
Payment of the monthly provision for early retirement benefits for workers enrolled in sector-specific Solidarity Funds.
Deadline for voluntary organizations and third-sector entities to submit funding applications for projects related to artificial intelligence.
Deadline for reporting occasional work services performed in the previous month by users of the Family Booklet.
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