Schedule list

Key deadlines for managing your personnel

Thursday 2 May

Ordinary Wage Guarantee Fund (Cassa Integrazione Guadagni Ordinaria, ‘CIGO’)

Start of time period for submitting the electronic wage supplement application via the OMNIA IS platform.

Wednesday 1 May

Strenuous work

Postponement to 2 May 2024 of the submission of the application for access to social security benefits for workers who have performed strenuous work and who meet the reduced requirements in 2025.

Tuesday 30 April

Guarantee fund

Deadline for submitting applications for Ordinary Wage Guarantee Fund (Cassa Integrazione Guadagni Ordinaria, ‘CIGO’) for objectively unavoidable events that occurred in the previous month.

Submission of the necessary data for the payment or balance of the wage supplement in case of direct payment by INPS, in relation to the periods integrated in February 2024

Contributions’ declaration

Submission of pay and contribution data flow for the previous month.

Single Employment Ledger

Employers, principals and intermediaries in charge of keeping the Single Employment Ledger must print it for the previous pay period. 

After notifying the Area Labour Inspectorate, the Single Employment Ledger may also be kept in electronic form, provided that a time stamp and digital signature are affixed by the employer or the appointed consultant. 

Agency contract commissions

Submission of commission account and settlement to agents and representatives of commissions for the previous quarter.

Pre-filled tax return

Provided by the Italian Revenue Authority for the 2023 tax return.

Gender equality

Application for contribution waiver for the year 2023 for employers in possession of gender equality certification by 31 December 2023.

Thursday 25 April

Agricultural contributions

Submission of employee contribution statements for the previous month and payment of contributions for the month.



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