Payment of monthly contributions due from journalists with freelance contracts for publishing companies, newspapers and radio and television companies.
Single payments
Single payment relating to: – withholding taxes on employee and assimilated income; – INPS social security and welfare contributions payable by employers including those deriving from the year-end adjustment made in December 2023; – contributions due from clients to the INPS separately managed fund for collaborators; – contributions due from businesses to the INPS for workers formerly under the Italian National Welfare and Assistance Body for Workers in the Performing Arts (Ente Nazionale di Previdenza e Assistenza ai Lavoratori dello Spettacolo, ‘ENPALS’); – monthly instalment of contributions due by self-employed fishermen; – fourth instalment of the atypical contribution due to managers formerly under the National Welfare Institute for Executives of Industrial Companies (‘Istituto Nazionale di Previdenza per i Dirigenti di Aziende Industriali, ‘INPDAI’) – contributions on compensation to occasional self-employed workers – fourth instalment of contributions due by self-employed agricultural workers; additional regional personal income tax (Imposta sul reddito delle persone fisiche, ‘IRPEF’) for terminations in the previous month; – periodic payment of monthly VAT and of the 4th quarter of 2023.
Early retirement
Payment of the monthly provision for early retirement treatment if workers who have no more than seven years to go before retirement.
Deadline for employees to notify their employer/withholding agent of any additional employment income received in 2024 to facilitate year-end balance.
The deadline for reporting other employee or similar income received by withholding agents not during 2023 expires.
Payment of contributions owed for domestic workers for the previous quarter.
Tertiary Sector Contributions
Payment of contributions to supplementary pension and welfare funds for executives for the previous quarter.
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