Deadline for submitting the application for early retirement recognition with reduced requirements for 2025, for unemployed workers, disabled individuals, caregivers of disabled persons, and workers in heavy or strenuous jobs classified as early-entry workers.
Submit applications for Cassa Integrazione (temporary income support) due to unavoidable events that occurred in the previous month.
Submit data required for payment or balance of the income support in case of direct payment by INPS, for periods integrated in December 2024.
Contributory Declaration
Submit contribution data related to wages for the previous month.
Libro Unico del lavoro
Employers, contractors, and intermediaries must print the “Libro Unico del lavoro” for the previous pay period.
Simplified or Flat-Rate Regimes
Deadline for submitting the communication to opt for the simplified contribution regime (flat-rate tax system) for 2025.
Deadline for submitting a request for the application of the safety incentive for 2026, provided the company is compliant with safety regulations and contribution payments.
FASI Contributions
Deadline for payment of FASI contributions for the 1st quarter of 2025 (for companies and managers).
INAIL Self-Assessment
Deadline for submitting the statement of wages for the INAIL self-assessment for 2025.
Universal Allowance
The validity of the universal allowance application for the period March 2024-February 2025 expires on February 28, 2025.
Deadline for agricultural employers to submit contributions for employees for the previous month.
Obligation for contractors and subcontractors to submit lists of workers employed and records of withholding tax payments for the previous month.
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