Request for authorisation for the entry into Italy of foreign nationals residing abroad in specific non-EU states with which international cooperation agreements are already in force or come into force.
Reimbursement to the worker of credit amounts resulting from the supplementary statements.
Year-end adjustment
Tax adjustment transactions between withholdings made on remuneration subject to Italian personal income tax (Imposta sul reddito delle persone fisiche, ‘IRPEF’) and the tax actually due and in relation to tax deductions for 2023.
Contribution adjustment transaction in relation to remuneration paid during 2023.
Deadline for submitting applications for Ordinary Wage Guarantee Fund (Cassa Integrazione Guadagni Ordinaria, ‘CIGO’) for objectively unavoidable events that occurred in the previous month and did not fall under the Covid 19 emergency.
Submission of the necessary data for the payment or balance of the wage supplement in case of direct payment by INPS, in relation to the periods integrated in September 2023.
COVID funding
Submission of self-declaration of compliance with state aid ceilings, in cases where state aid under the ‘umbrella’ scheme referred to in the European Commission’s communications has been received.
Early retirement (APE Sociale)
Deadline for the submission of the application for recognition of pension benefits in the event that after INPS monitoring resources are left over compared to the previous block of requests.
Artisan and trader contributions
Payment of the second advance payment of the final contributions for the portion of income exceeding the minimum for 2023.
Supplementary healthcare fund (Fondo di Assistenza Sanitaria Integrativa, ‘FASI’) Contributions
Payment to FASI of company and executive contributions for Q4 2023.
Professional contributions
Payment of the 2nd advance payment (40%) 2023 of the contribution the separately managed fund
Income tax return
Filing of the 2023 tax return.
Contributions’ declaration
Submission of pay and contribution data flow for the previous month.
Single Employment Ledger
Employers, principals and intermediaries in charge of keeping the Single Employment Ledger must print it for the previous pay period.
After notifying the Area Labour Inspectorate, the Single Employment Ledger may also be kept in electronic form, provided that a time stamp and digital signature are affixed by the employer or the appointed consultant.
Submission of employee contribution statements for the previous month and payment of contributions for the month.
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