Schedule list

Key deadlines for managing your personnel

Friday 3 November

Family Booklet

Users of the ‘family booklet’ must report the data on the performance of casual work for the previous month.

Wednesday 1 November

Tax Assistance

Withholding of the second or single instalment of the Italian personal income tax (Imposta sul reddito delle persone fisiche, ‘IRPEF’) advance from pay.

Tuesday 31 October

Guarantee fund

Deadline for submitting applications for Ordinary Wage Guarantee Fund (Cassa Integrazione Guadagni Ordinaria, ‘CIGO’) for objectively unavoidable events that occurred in the previous month and did not fall under the Covid 19 emergency.

Submission of the necessary data for the payment or balance of the wage supplement in case of direct payment by INPS, in relation to the periods integrated in August 2023.

Tuesday 31 October

Single certificate

Transmission of the single certificate for 2022 , only of exempt or non-declared income through the pre-filled tax return



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