Applications for work permits for foreign nationals residing abroad wishing to enter Italy for employment (both subordinate and self-employed) in 2025 can be submitted.
Report occasional work performed through the Family Wallet for the previous month.
Taxpayers (employers) can make year-end tax adjustments for withholding taxes on income subject to IRPEF and the actual tax due, including 2024 tax credits, until February 28.
Submission of CIGO applications for objectively unavoidable events that occurred in the previous month.
Submission of data required for direct payment or reconciliation of wage supplementation by INPS for periods covered in November 2024.
Contribution Reporting
Submission of data related to wages and contributions for the previous month.
Single Labor Register
Printing of the Single Labor Register for the previous payroll period by employers, clients, or intermediaries.
Disability Employment Obligations
Submission of the summary report on the obligation to hire disabled workers as of December 31 of the previous year, in case of changes in the obligation.
Domestic Accident Insurance
Deadline for payment of the 2025 insurance premium.
Agency Contract Commissions
Submission of commission statements and settlement of commissions for agents and representatives for the previous quarter.
Temporary Employment
Reporting of temporary workers employed under contracts concluded in 2024.
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