Submission of data required for the payment or balance of wage subsidies in case of direct payment by INPS, in relation to periods integrated in September 2024.
Artisans and traders contributions
Payment of the second advance payment of contributions calculated on the portion of income exceeding the minimum income for 2024.
FASI contributions
Payment to the Supplementary Health Care Fund (i.e. “FASI”) of the company and manager contributions for the fourth quarter of 2024.
Separate management contributions
Payment of the second instalment of the 2024 contribution to the Separate Management Fund.
Contribution statement
Submission of the pay and contribution data flow for the previous month.
Single Employment Record (i.e. “Libro Unico Del Lavoro”) Employers, principals and intermediaries holding intermediaries must provide for the printing of the Single Employment Record for the previous pay period.
The tax withholding agents reimburse the credit amounts resulting from the employee’s supplementary declarations in the month’s pay slip.
Year-end adjustment
In the December payslip, the tax adjustment will be made between the withholding tax on remuneration subject to IRPEF and the tax due in relation to tax deductions for the year 2024.
Deadline for the submission of the application for the recognition of pension benefits in case of residual resources from the INPS monitoring compared to the previous block of applications.
Wages guarantee fund (i.e. “Cassa integrazione guadagni or CIGO”)
Submission of Cigo applications for objectively unavoidable events occurred in the previous month.
Obligation for contractors and subcontractors to transmit the list of names of workers employed and the receipts for the payment of withholding taxes made on their workers in the previous month.
Agricultural contributions
Submission of employee contribution reports for the previous month.
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