Social Security

Budget Law: assumptions on pensions

23 September 2024

A cura di: Andrea Di Nino

Autumn is starting, and with it, assumptions about the contents of the forthcoming Budget Law, in particular the social security and pension plan.

The perspectives for changes in our pension system are many, and are generally designed to facilitate the entry into retirement of certain categories of workers, although at the cost of certain penalties.

For example, there is talk of a “quota 41 for all”, which consists of the right to retire after 41 years of contributions, regardless of age and gender, but with a full contribution recalculation of the allowance – which in some cases can result in a permanent pension cut of up to 20%.

Some changes could also be made to the “quota” mechanism, which over time has gone from ‘quota 100’ to “quota 102” to the current “quota 103”. In this regard, rumours speak about a possible extension of “quota 103”, but there are also proposals on its definitive abolition, in order to offer more flexibility from the age of 64 up to 72 with an incentive for those who delay retirement.

Lastly, it seems certain that “Ape sociale” and “Opzione donna”, pension instruments dedicated to specific categories that never really came off the ground, will be extended.

Some news could also concern complementary pensions, especially regarding the destination of severance pay to pension funds.

Thank you for following us and see you in the next update!

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