On 1 January of this year some new features introduced in recent years with Italian Law no. 247/2007 (Protocollo del Welfare – Welfare Protocol) and Italian Legislative Decree no. 78/2010 (Manovra Anticrisi – Anti-crisis legislation passed last May) will become effective:
– new system for calculating the waiting period between the date when pension requirements are achieved and the time when the pension starts to be paid; therefore the waiting period is being changed into a period calculated for each worker, starting from the date the requirements are met, namely 12 months for employees and 18 months for self-employed and contract workers;
– increase in the amount, i.e. increase in the requirements necessary for obtaining old age pension; achievement of the right to pension will depend on reaching a certain age and a minimum number of contributions (so-called quota), which will increase annually until stabilising in 2013. For the year 2011, the value of this quota is fixed at 96, with a minimum age not under 60 years;
– increase of the minimum pension amount by 7 euro (equal to 460.97 euro).
Il Sole 24 Ore