
Notification of nighttime work

2 May 2011

With the approval by the Council of Ministers of the legislative decree which disciplines “access to early pension for those who perform particularly heavy-duty work” the notification obligations have increased for employers.

With the approval by the Council of Ministers of the legislative decree which disciplines “access to early pension for those who perform particularly heavy-duty work” the notification obligations have increased for employers. In particular, the nighttime employment of workers who, continuously or within regular periodic shifts, perform their job for at least six hours and for a minimum of 78 working days per year, must be communicated each year to the local Provincial Labour Office and social security institutions. This notification – which must be sent electronically – also regards those who for the entire year work for at least three hours between midnight and five in the morning. An addition obligation requires notification to the Provincial Labour Office at the start of jobs which involve personnel assigned to assembly lines.

Failure to provide such notification shall result in a fine of 500 to 1,500 euro for the employer, reduced if paid by a certain deadline.


(Source il Sole 24 Ore)

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