
Tax returns debut of CUD and 730 return form

24 December 2010

The definitive CUD and 730 tax return forms have been published. In particular, the certification that employers will have to issue to workers by next 28 February 2011 contains important new features.

The definitive CUD and 730 tax return forms have been published. In particular, the certification that employers will have to issue to workers by next 28 February 2011 contains important new features. The area dedicated to sums paid for production bonuses has been completely revised. Given that the CUD is a condition per se sufficient for proving the existence of the reasons for a production bonus required by law, the section dedicated to notes (BX and BY) contains the explicit certification of the employer in this regard, as set forth by the Agenzia delle Entrate (Italian Tax Authority) resolution no. 130/E/2010. Another new feature involves the application of the additional rate of 10% on remuneration paid in the form of bonuses and stock options which exceed triple of the fixed part of remuneration. It is also necessary to certify in the notes for Abruzzo workers affected by the 6 April 2009 earthquake the suspended amounts for which taxation has resumed, but which have not been paid by the substitute tax.

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