
Update of application procedure for parental leave with an 80% allowance

9 August 2024

With notice no. 2704 of 23 July 2024, the Italian National Social Security Institute (Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale, ‘INPS’) announced the implementation of the electronic procedure for submission of applications for parental leave and hourly parental leave seeking the increased 80% allowance.

The communication in question is addressed to all employees who, based on the provisions contained in the 2023 Budget Law (Italian Law no. 197/2022) and the 2024 Budget Law (Italian Law 213/2023), are entitled to take an 80% allowance for parental leave, for a maximum of one or two months depending on the conditions set out in the legislation.

Under the new procedure, it will be necessary, during the compilation phase for the employee (i) to confirm that he/she is requesting the allowance at an increased rate, (ii) to identify the date relating to the end of maternity or paternity leave (mandatory or otherwise), to correctly identify the months eligible for the 80% allowance.

Finally, INPS announced that the application procedure has already been changed to allow the submission of the application for parental leave only for periods starting within two months from the date of submission of the application itself.

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